Latin-Amerikáról. Tárgyilagosan.
La vida de lujos de Fidel Castro en Cuba queda al descubierto
El Universal
Un libro escrito por un exguardaespaldas del dictador cubano muestra las extravagancias con las que vive el líder político, mientras su país flota en la miseria.
If Only My Auntie Ran FIFA and CBF: A Simple Solution to a Big Problem in Brazil’s World Cup
Latino Rebels
In 2006, my parents, my grandmother, and I left Rio Verde for Jataí, Goiás to watch the World Cup Germany final between Italy and France at my great-uncle’s place. I happened to be in Brazil in 1994 and 2002 when Brazil won it all, so I had an idea of the parties for days that made Carnival those years seem a lot smaller. The mood was quite different for this final for one simple reason: no Brazil. It was still worth the head-butt felt around the world and some very clever wordplay from my 75-year-old grandma at the time (France knocked out Brazil, so not a lot of amour): “Se dane, Zidane!” They almost sound the same, but it means “F— you, Zidane!”
Cuban blogger to launch island's first independent digital newspaper
The Guardian
Cuba's prize-winning blogger, Yoani Sánchez, is launching the island's first independent digital newspaper next week to challenge the communist-ruled country's state-controlled media.